I’m Drew Royster. I live in Utah and I solve hard problems with great code.

One of my earliest exposures to coding in any capacity was when I was in high school and the first Android phone was released. I thought it was magic and really wanted to use it, but my family was on AT&T and it was a T-Mobile exclusive. That led to me learning how to break into the phone and modify the APN (access point networks) to use T-Mobile when it wasn't supposed to. That led me to Cyanogenmod and a lot of modding with custom firmware.

Since then I've gotten a broad amount of experience from huge companies like Intel to a lot of small startups where I wear a lot of hats. I'm a full stack developer who knows a lot about platforms, databases, and the web. Lately I've been working a lot with machine learning and am thoroughly convinced that the future will be a blend of these stochastic models and deterministic software. For the first time software is able to meet us halfway instead of us needing to learn it in detail, it can comprehend our intentions and act accordingly. We haven't really fully grasped how it'll change the market.

I've gotten quite familiar and good with building these hybrid systems (called agents, but hate that word). If you need help or wanna hire me to build anything out just shoot me an email.